Top Projects 2022 Review – 2022 was again a record breaking year for Modular Elevator Manufacturing. The Elevator Revolution is taking hold nationwide and we have several projects completed in 2022 that standout.
So below is a review of MEM’s top projects in 2022. In the list two of the projects have been nominated for the highly prestigious Modular Building Institute’s annual Awards of Distinction and several others have been recognized for their innovation, jobsite time savings and cost savings. So without further ado here are our top projects in 2022.
The first is a nominee regarding the Awards of Distinction. It is a glass elevator that is contemporary in design for a concession area in a 1500 acre park. The designer of the project, Pop Up Park, had a vision and MEM was able to fulfill that vision and help create a beautiful space. The free-standing modular glass elevator was used due to the high seismic zone and was separated from the repurposed containers to give the additional feel of openness that a park application calls for.
The second project on our list of top projects 2022 is also a nominee for an industry award. It truly demonstrates what the Elevator Revolution is all about. For this application the Modular Elevator System was used in a large hospital setting for multiple elevators of similar capacity and design. With repeatable design, consistency in quality and speed to use it is the best solution for any low to midrise project.
As you can see in the gallery below we solved a major issue with the speed of the project by setting fully installed, multiple elevators in one day reducing costs significantly. How much? You would be shocked.
The housing crisis across the country is a national problem. Homelessness needs to be addressed quickly and with an eye towards savings without giving up quality. The MEM Elevator System came to the rescue in several affordable housing projects in 2022. Our most outstanding example was the Watts Works supportive housing project with Daylight Community Development.
Daylight is a leader in the affordable housing arena, blazing a new trail in building supportive housing faster and cheaper with maximum social impact. They were thrilled with what modular could do for the project by providing a quality elevator on time at a fair cost.
Schools remain a big part of what we do at Modular Elevator Manufacturing. Generally, in California if there is an elevator in a school, chances are it is the MEM Elevator System. We know the needs of a school district and how we can address those needs best.
When the Newhart Middle School started looking for an elevator MEM was the logical choice, but some thought that modular elevators could only be placed on the perimeter of the structure. This is an old canard and stems from the roots of the modular industry. But this outstanding project clearly shows the MEM System can go anywhere.
The last example of our top projects of 2022 speaks to the future and the importance of our flexibility. As the building industry changes and adopts alternative construction methods, how we produce our elevators matters. Our system creates a finished elevator inside a factory constructed hoistway. That allows us to stay relevant and continue to lead the elevator revolution. Because we are solutions based, it does not matter the type of construction. This demonstrates our innovation and willingness to think outside the box.
ISLA is a project made completely out of shipping containers with one exception… the MEM Elevator System. With container projects speed is of the essence, the order of the set is crucial and delays are not tolerable. MEM was more than up for the task and always is regardless of the project or challenge. We continue to demonstrate that on every project we are a part of.
These five Tops Projects in 2022 are just a few of the hundreds of projects we have in place. However, they demonstrate why we are considered the leader of the elevator revolution and modular elevator industry. In that revolution we place control of your project back in your hands. We cut the delays and dependency on the traditional elevator industry for you. You then have increased flexibility, quality and speed and that leads to faster occupancy. Our track record has been proven for over 20 years and can change the way you view vertical transportation for any low or midrise project.
So if you have questions or any interest in exploring further, contact us for a FAST TRACK QUOTE. If you want to explore more, we always encourage it. You can start your journey by taking a LIVE VIRTUAL TOUR. During the tour we will openly show you how we produce our high quality MEM Elevator System. We will also answer any of your questions.
Modular Glass Elevator with Style – Modular gets associated with cookie cutter or boring design. It’s not the case at all, especially with modular glass elevators. In this case it makes the “Park” really “Pop”. It gives a great unobstructed of the 1500 acre park by utilizing a glass hoistway.
The free-standing modular glass elevator was used due to the high seismic zone and was separated from the repurposed containers to give the additional feel of openness that a park application calls for.
In the photos below you can see the finished product and how much style was placed into the design and how the modular elevator was able to be used in the overall Pop Up Park theme.
Modular Elevator Systems are indeed flexible. They can go into the project early, late, when you want or when you need it. It is off the critical path and can be placed inside or outside as you desire. Not to mention the cost and time savings the high-quality commercial elevator affords. So, is the MEM system the perfect fit for you? Yes. The MEM Modular Elevator System is the elevator you have been waiting for.
So if you have a low to mid-rise project, contact us for a FAST TRACK QUOTE. If you want to explore more, we encourage it. You can start your journey by taking a LIVE VIRTUAL TOUR. During the tour we will openly show you how we produce our high quality MEM Elevator System. We will also answer any of your questions.
Modular Elevator System for Modular – The Modular Elevator System from Modular Elevator Manufacturing is the low to mid-rise solution for all types of buildings. However, due to the familiarity with how modular construction works, our system fits in seamlessly.
Also, modular elevators were introduced over 20 years ago to the construction industry. This led to the canard that they must be placed on the outside of a structure. Some even are mistaken in their belief that they are only for retrofit projects.
Sure, a modular elevator system can be on the exterior of a build and can be use as a retrofit. However, the bulk of the project we are associated with are new construction. Our flexibility in placement is unsurpassed.
This flexibility was demonstrated in a recent project.
Modular Elevator Systems are indeed flexible. They can go into the project early, late, when you want or when you need it. It is off the critical path and can be placed inside or outside as you desire. Not to mention the cost and time savings the high-quality commercial elevator affords. So, is the MEM system the perfect fit for you? Yes. The MEM Modular Elevator System is the elevator you have been waiting for.
So if you have a low to mid-rise project, contact us for a FAST TRACK QUOTE. If you want to explore more, we encourage it. You can start your journey by taking a LIVE VIRTUAL TOUR. During the tour we will openly show you how we produce our high quality MEM Elevator System. We will also answer any of your questions.
Elevator Poll Opportunity to Change / Oct, 2023 – As most of you know we have been conducting a one of its kind poll. For the first time a poll was sent to the entirety of the construction industry regarding elevators. Architects, general contractors, engineers, design build firms and elevator professionals responded. Additionally, to have more clarity and to focus our efforts on real solutions we held a series of open forums where we discussed the results of the poll. We heard anecdotal stories that confirmed our findings and consistent reports of issues regarding the current traditional elevator industry.
After the poll and subsequent analysis we can say there is an opportunity to make changes for the better in the construction industry.
And that always was the point. The poll confirmed the problems that had always been rumored. Now we can begin a revolution to foment change that is solutions based. So in this article we are going to examine each of the five inferences the poll questions and forums confirmed and make some general suggestions for improvement.
After all, our desire is to improve an industry that has not substantially changed in how it installs elevators or deals with the construction industry for over 150 years. To make improvements we wanted to start with actual information from the people that deal with elevators and have to live with the challenges they present.
And then start the conversation about solutions. This is the beginning of the discussion regarding those solutions. We know where we have been and now we must start charting a path to where we are going in the future.
The polling and results of the open forums are pretty telling. The current way the construction industry and elevator industry function or rather doesn’t function, is a problem. Both sides have points and counterpoints, but change is stuck because solutions are slow to come forward and then equally slow to be embraced. The poll reflected this with a well documented reticence to adopt each other’s, other options.
We are not hiding the results because we want a full discussion of experiences that back up or reject the results and other inferences from the data we missed. The bottom line takeaway; there’s a problem. So much so that some are grasping for solutions. But don’t take our word for it. We encourage you to look at the graphics and add your comments below as to what your impressions are or the inferences you draw.
This is the beginning of thinking through the issues and not the final word. Just a discussion of possible solutions. This is a continuing of the dialog. We look forward to your input and feel communicating with continued analysis will help both industries (construction and elevator).
With that said, here are early inferences drawn from the poll and open forums:
The overall customer experience is negative regarding the elevator industry. Over 88% feel the experience was horrible to needs improvement. Over 40% felt it was horrible to barely tolerable. No sugar coating it, it is not a good result. However, keep in mind this attitude shifts dramatically depending on occupation or role. 90% of design professionals believe their experience to be generally good. Easy to use websites for plans is a big help. Turns out however websites can’t install an elevator. This also means that the elevator industry focuses effort on the sale of elevator units, not difficulties of those downline from the decision.
The results we found are uncomfortable. Keep in mind that this poll was sent to the elevator industry as well, so they know there’s a problem. The elevator industry front loads their efforts to the sale of the elevator and more importantly to the sale of the maintenance plan. That is their model. They know that if they are chosen they get decades of maintenance fees. So what can change the elevator market and its reputation? It is the market itself. Not to push the problem off to the customer, but until alternatives are explored by the buying public, the elevator industry will continue to be the monolithic monopoly it has become. Immediate considerations is to refuse to purchase an elevator with proprietary parts. Proprietary parts are the hook that keeps maintenance forever attached to the sale and handcuffs the buyer to the elevator company.
Also, consider moving the pain of the elevator selection to the front of the process. That is where longer-term issues can be addressed in the contract for the elevator. Once you are into or past the bidding stage it is in all likelihood too late to make a change as the hoistway placement and size has been determined. One solution being used by a frustrated builder discussed in our forum was to make the hoistway opening big enough to accommodate nearly any elevator. He felt it gave him more flexibility to shop and compare. The elevator problem is so great that losing building space was considered to be a reasonable solution.
The better option is prioritizing the elevator purchase before the drawings are complete and always purchase elevators with non-proprietary parts.
Delays are a huge issue. 65% in our poll say the elevator always creates delays. The nature of how conventional elevators are installed is the problem and solutions maybe limited unless you look into alternatives such as modular elevators. The hoistway is built along with foundation and there it sits until power and a controlled environment is secured.
At the end of any build, the pressure is on to finish up. Tensions run high as time is running out. One person we talked with about the frustration said, on a job the elevator company pushed out completion more than 6-months passed the expected occupancy date. Understandably he was apoplectic, but stuck and he knew it.
The traditional elevator industry has no solution for the pace of the install. They will be done when they are done. The timeline for the elevator crew is often times at odds with the construction manager’s expectations. Increased communication can be a big help, but this can’t be just chatter. There must be clear timelines to be adhered to and notification of steps to completion must be communicated clearly to everyone involved. This is especially true regarding life/safety trades and when they are checked off as complete. One phone line can cause delays of weeks and costly change orders.
Explore other options. With modular elevators the elevator arrives already installed and can even be used as the construction hoist. It sets in a couple hours and the start up is a week long process not months. With traditional elevators, back ordered components, over-stretched elevator crews, and even poor weather can stall or even stop installation. When the installation takes place in a factory there are no such delays.
The most important consideration regarding the purchase is on-time start up and use. But there is no control over that with current industry standards. The conventional elevator is an immovable object stuck on the critical path. That creates a feeling of loss of control or helplessness.
Cost, Type of Conveyance and Structure are also concerns that sometimes present few options for improvement.
Regardless of the type of elevator, the inspection process is out of the hands of the elevator contractor in most jurisdictions. These must be scheduled in advance. So the solution is to make sure you have a checklist of completed items, before the inspection is scheduled. Call backs can mean costly change orders and delays.
When it comes to costs that is often linked with conveyance. Watch out for being oversold. It has been relayed to us in any number of conversations that traction or roped units are being recommended for extremely short travel distances. The initial cost for traction units is higher as well as the lifetime costs through maintenance agreements. Quit over buying your needs.
Additionally, cost of the elevator does not encompass all the ancillary aspects of the build, so at the end of the project the actual investment in the elevator is most often not known. How much money per stop is wasted due to call backs of mud and rock crews, flooring installation and painters? One construction professional indicated the traditional elevator costed him $30,000 to $40,000 more per stop due to call backs of other trades. He found another alternative.
If you want the elevator off the critical path a modular elevator is the route to go. The market for modular elevators is expanding with large elevator companies offering alternatives overseas and new companies starting domestically. Modular is the future for low and mid-rise applications.
There is flexibility! No one polled automatically keeps the same elevator company due to past experience. This means change is possible. But it seems the choice is pushed back to the bidding process creating a lack of flexibility and specs makes innovation difficult.
Using your flexibility to make choices early is the best alternative. By the time you get to the bidding process all of the flexibility you once had is gone. You are locked into the same traditional models that you have always used.
The bidding process leads to specs that stifle innovation. As we have learned and discussed in our forums, elevator companies largely ignore the construction specs in any case. So why push the decision out to or past the bid process were you are now under more of the elevator company’s control?
By the time you are passed the bid phase, it is often too late to consider other alternatives without additional costs. All hope of innovation is gone. Ultimately, construction professionals are often locked into just a couple bad choices so leave your options open, it maybe counterintuitive but research and decide early.
Finally – Start up is the elephant in the room. It is a huge issue, but out often out of your control and even out of the control of the elevator installer, especially regarding inspection and final approval. Cost overruns are constant.
One truism confirmed in our conversations is that lack of communication costs time and money on the project. One example was the push by the general contractor to expedite the elevator inspection. It led to the elevator being fully ready but life/safety aspects of the building were still not complete. That meant a failed inspection and then change orders to return for a second inspection. Open communication would have resolved that issue before it became one.
There are options that include a fully functioning elevator installed that can be used as the construction elevator and then converted to a passenger elevator once construction is complete. Knowing it runs and passing inspection as a construction elevator, is a big benefit to final turn over of the unit. It certainly speeds the elevator to complete readiness faster.
This poll and open forums led to a great new starting point for the construction industry to begin to change in how it views elevators and all the pitfalls. It also gives Modular Elevator Manufacturing and others in the elevator industry the perfect opportunity to change the industry from the inside out. We again are asking you to join us in this revolution. That does not mean buying a Modular Elevator Manufacturing System. It means looking at the elevator industry afresh and deciding early on what mode of vertical transportation works best for the project you are on.
We will continue to update and change our recommendations as responses pour in. Based on the response so far, it is evident there is a problem out there and we can begin to fix it together. The industry can change and improve its image, product and installation methods.
Also, by working together we can reduce headaches, improve start up times and cut costs. That will lead to better strategies and decisions when including an elevator in your project. Elevators will never be problem free, but they can be improved upon and that is our hope as we lead an Elevator Revolution.
In the mean time if you want to know more about the MEM Elevator System please let us know by clicking a link below. You can take a virtual tour of our factory where we openly discuss our process and the elevator industry. You can also request a Fast Track Quote if you have a project in mind and are curious about the solutions we offer. One more reminder – please comment below. Your input is important.
Modular works for Watts Works. Can it work for you? Watts Works, an affordable housing project in Southern California demonstrates, the need for modular building and modular elevators.
As the need for supportive housing is immediate, speed is of the essence. Also, costs are important to minimize especially with limited local, county and state resources available.
The logical solution to providing fast, cost conscience housing is modular. In the case of Watts Works, shipping containers became the primary component. The design was completed and production of the units began even before the foundation was set. Also, using shipping containers factory outfitted with kitchen appliances and largely finished interiors made the project much faster. The units are then set quickly and efficiently. Also, the cost is significantly less. That is no theory but the experience of Aaron Sassounian, Partner with Daylight Community Development.
Sassounian said “We want to be good custodians for the tax payers, but provide quality housing and get people in the units as quickly as possible.”
That is the vision of Daylight Community Development. They are specialists in affordable housing and their overriding passion is to end chronic homelessness in Los Angeles. They use every tool at their disposal including recent zoning and regulation changes. Financing the construction also takes outside of the box thinking by using any available public funding sources. Daylight also believes that modular construction is key to fast, on-time completion with a modular elevator being the final piece to the puzzle.
Daylight is a leader in the affordable housing arena, blazing a new trail in building supportive housing faster and cheaper with maximum social impact.
The understanding of the totality of the building process from design, development, construction and financing makes Daylight vital. Daylight is a leader in the affordable housing arena, blazing a new trail in building supportive housing faster and cheaper with maximum social impact.
In every build the elevator is a critical part of the project. That is because it is one of the items on the critical path that can cause more headaches, confusions and delays than nearly any other building component. That makes a high-quality elevator crucial. It must also go in when the builder needs it on their time schedule and is started up quickly. The MEM Elevator System accomplishes that quite well. But just as important there needs to be an open line of communication between the elevator manufacturer, the contractor, architect and developer. (Continued below the photos.)
The installer on this project was TLShield sister company to Modular Elevator Manufacturing. Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Hugo Beltran was the lead contact. Sussounian said, “Hugo was super responsive and easy to work with. He talked us through the process making it a great experience.” MEM and TLShield helped keep the project on time and on budget.
Combing the product with superior customer service means that together the MEM Elevator System and Daylight Community Development will continue to partner to address the homeless problem. Proof of the partnership is three more projects are already in development with the MEM Elevator System speced in. (Continued below the Photos.)
So, modular indeed worked for Watts Works to help combat the housing and homeless crisis and will continue to be a part of Daylight in the future…can work for you as well. Do you have a project with a strict deadline and little forgiveness if it is missed? Do you have a project where speed and savings is important and you are tired of excuses and delays? We are your solution.
We will work with you, provide high quality, speed, possible savings and responsiveness. Things that you probably won’t find elsewhere in the elevator industry. So if you have a low to mid-rise project, contact us for a FAST TRACK QUOTE. If you want to explore more, we encourage it. You can start your journey by taking a LIVE VIRTUAL TOUR. During the tour we will openly show you how we produce our high quality MEM Elevator System. We will also answer any of your questions.
This month we are focusing on modular elevators inside the building. Believe it or not one of the most common questions we face is can the MEM Elevator System be placed inside a building?
When the product was developed as a response to the Americans with Disabilities Act in the 1980’s the concept was to provide a vertical transportation solution as fast as possible. To that end, it seemed logical (and probably was) to just set the elevator next to the building. Then just cut the holes for the elevator doors and just like that a fully installed elevator in no time. The concept worked and worked well and became synonymous with exterior placement. However after seeing the success, quality and speed people started asking for modular elevators inside the building in new and retrofit projects.
Also, the confusion is partially my fault. I have been the sole marketer for the modular elevator industry for quite sometime. So, I would be remiss if I did not take blame. But I have a good reason…it just made better visual sense to tell the modular elevator story where you could plainly see the hoistway standing along side the building. My bad.
So to make up for my shortcomings below are a few projects inside buildings.
You will notice they can be in the middle of a large room or seamlessly built into a wall. It does not matter. They still go in the same way.
Usually, early in the project once the foundation is poured and the pit is completed the elevator is craned into place. The building is then constructed around the fully installed modular elevator. To make things even easier the MEM Elevator System comes with a fully drywalled hoistway inside and out.
In the video below you can see how fast and easy it is to place an elevator and build around it. Check out the elevator being placed at about 20 seconds in. The second elevator (that was also used as a construction elevator) is placed at the 59 second mark.
When it comes to retrofit projects, when the building is ready to receive the elevator a hole is cut in the ceiling and at each floor. The elevator is then slipped in with no problems.
So regardless of your project, if you are needing a midrise elevator we are your solution. Modular elevators inside, outside, new or retrofit we are your solution.
A modular project always benefits from using modular elevators. The primary reason is that the resources and knowledge are already in place and everyone understands how the modular concept works. There is comfort in understanding the modular concept.
But the benefits go beyond just mere comfort. It fulfills a need to increase speed, time and savings. Also, the MEM System does not interrupt the benefit of a modular design. In a recent Los Angeles area modular project. Studio One-Eleven designed three supportive housing buildings all based around the modular concept, so using a modular elevator was an easy choice. The advanced modular design of the project and MEM allowed the Vanowen Apartments, by use of the modular concept, reduce costs 30-35% below conventional construction. That meant a more efficient use and speedier occupancy for the chronically homeless of Los Angeles.
“Modular designs we are perfecting with our partners significantly reduce cost and construction time,” said Michael Bohn, Studio One-Eleven Senior Principal, AIA. “We may have provided the model to build it faster, cheaper and better for the affordable housing sector which could help alleviate Los Angeles’ housing crisis.” Modular Elevator Manufacturing was proud to be a part of the project.
The MEM Elevator System went in smoothly as part of the modular project package and impressed those on the project.
The benefits realized are due to an understanding of the modular concept as a whole. The pit needs to be perfect so there is a seamless match to the rest of the structure. We provide an easy to use template that assures ease of installation. With that in place the elevator easily slips in.
Once the pit is complete the fully installed elevator goes in before lunch. Then when electric available onsite, the crew returns to start up the elevator. The process is so fast that the modular elevator can be used as a construction elevator saving money on the project.
If you have a project in mind and want to speak directly to one of our representatives fill out the Fast Track form. We can provide you a thumbnail number in hours.
Lastly, this type of project takes a team. So, we would like to mention our partners in this project. Our good friends at Howard Construction were professional as usual. Their team did a great job! Award winning Studio One-Eleven provided a unique design based on the modular concept. Also, TLShield placed and started up the MEM Elevator System.
Shark Bite and Modular Elevators – Newhart Middle School/Mission Viejo, CA. Innovation can be hard to accept and try. In Mission Viejo however, they are embracing innovation and teaching it in a brand new facility at Newhart Middle School.
At the recent open house Superintendent Kirsten Vital Brulte said, “We look forward to seeing how they use this innovative space to further their STEAM education.” There is no doubt the facility will be put to good use, but there could be a bigger lesson about innovation and acceptance of technology that we all could learn.
This lesson of trying innovation struck a cord with me during a recent home renovation. We added on to our modest farmhouse a kitchen and upstairs bath. Of course to keep the costs under control, my wife and I decided to do some of the work ourselves. I am not totally without skills. The result is we took over some of the obvious stuff that we knew we could do. Painting, trimming out windows and doors and baseboards.
I also considered making the plumbing a DIY project. It was just a sink and dishwasher in the kitchen. Pretty straight forward. However, I was worried as it had been sometime since I sweated pipes. I then looked into Shark Bite plumbing and my suspicious mind started racing. It looked easy…too easy. If I used the snap together plumbing, I would definitely be able to avoid the difficulties of copper, but at what cost? Was this truly going to snap together so easily and hold?
I would have definitely saved a ton of money, been able to put the plumbing in faster and complete the job on my schedule, meaning the kitchen would be ready sooner. You can only eat take-out off of paper plates for so long.
Ultimately, however, I wasn’t convinced. I just couldn’t do the job with this new fangled product.
We got a great reference for a plumber and so after he saw the plans and agreed, I wrote a check and scheduled the job. Weeks went by but in his own sweet time he arrived. However, as he clambered out of his van, what did I see? Rolls of PEX tubing. Also, all his shelves were filled with connectors and fittings for snap together plumbing. He said that for jobs like mine, that was what everyone is using. It was easy and quality.
I watched agog as he went to work. It was as he promised and I had been a fool. I could have saved money, time and effort by doing it on my own with a more advanced product. Before lunch, he was out the door telling me to call if there were any problems and let him know when everything else was done so he could set the fixtures.
I guess you sometimes just have to live to learn.
I immediately saw parallels between Newhart Middle School, Shark Bite and Modular Elevator Manufacturing. The MEM Elevator System and snap together plumbing have been on the market for over twenty years. Both are innovative and have revolutionized their industries. They are proven to reduce time, reduce costs and are just as good as what they have replaced. High-quality is a must for a commercial elevator.
Lastly in my case regarding plumbing anyway, both struggle with acceptance. Shark Bite and modular elevators have a hurdle to clear. They must convince the market by seeing them in action and by being open and honest about what is offered and the differences between the revolutionary and conventional.
So we are working hard to provide examples of our product, like Newhart Middle School pictured. What you are seeing is a fully installed elevator being placed through a hole that was left in the build. It was set in just a couple hours and was started up in a couple of days. Revolutionary!
As you can see, the project looks great. It went in faster for the school with no disruption to classes and overall their embracing of innovation in what they teach and how they teach it, will be a lesson for all.
If you would like to see about this project or others like it, we are opening up our factory to live, virtual tours at your convenience. All you have to do is click the button and fill out a simple form. We will then schedule the tour at your convenience. During the tour we will answer any and all questions. You can also schedule an in person visit as well.
Lastly, if you have a project in mind and want to speak directly to one of our representatives fill out the Fast Track form. We can provide you a thumbnail number in hours.
For more great photos of the project, visit our good friends at Miller Construction. Their team did a great job!
You can join in and discuss all things modular elevator with myself and offsite construction leader Audree Grubesic from Offsite Dirt on May 31st. If you have questions about Modular Elevators, this is a great place to start. So sign up today! I will be answering questions and discussing how Modular Elevator Manufacturing and the MEM Elevator System is the absolute best solution for any low or mid-rise building project.
We are more than happy to participate with Offsite Dirt in their Offsite Construction Series. It is an online, forum where industry leaders are asked questions about the solutions they offer, what the future holds and the impact they are having in the offsite industry.
We specialize in low and mid-rise modular vertical transportation. And the MEM Elevator System can work for on or offsite projects. So if you have any questions at all, join us by signing up. Looking forward to the questions and seeing you there.
Offsite Dirt is a media leader when it comes to the modular industry. They showcase current news, techniques, technology, influencers, and conversations in offsite construction. In other words they are all things modular.
Offsite Dirt has a two-pronged mission: to inform the construction industry and the general public on the intricacies of what’s currently happening in the fast-growing offsite construction field, and to provide a meeting place for offsite construction professionals where information, opinions and resources can be freely exchanged.
If you have a project and need some questions answered but not able to attend, click the buttons below. We can schedule an informational live virtual tour of our facility. If you have a project in mind, we can answer your questions and give you thumbnail numbers in a day or less.
There are distinct advantages to the use of modular elevators for parking structures. This is especially true when adding the MEM Elevator System to you next project. Conversely, adding a conventional elevator to a new or existing parking facility can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Beyond that the process can take months. The MEM Elevator System is an architectural solution, which effectively deals with these issues, saving you time and money. Those are distinct advantages of the modular elevator and set us apart from other alternatives.
The MEM Elevator System, is a prefabricated the hoistway which is manufactured off-site in a remote location. This allows the modular elevator to be manufactured in the plant simultaneously to the construction of the parking structure.
Unlike conventional elevators, modular elevators don’t need to be an inherent part of the parking structure they are servicing. Instead, they are easily attached to the existing structure. This often is on the exterior of the building without having to share the same foundation.
For an existing parking structure that is adding floors and needs a vertical transportation system, a modular elevator is the ideal solution. It extends the life of the parking facility when adding a modular elevator. You will lose no square footage – all while ensuring accessibility for everyone.
Also, placing the modular elevator on-site before the parking facility is fully built is possible. It can even can be used as the construction elevator – as long as power is available.
See, regulators typically require a temporary construction lift for projects over three stories. The alternative is an elevator to be installed at a job site. A permanent modular elevator can be used to meet these requirements. It then eliminates the need to rent and expense a temporary lift. That in itself demonstrates distinct advantages of the modular elevator.
Additionally, modular construction offers shorter build times; typically 50 to 60 percent less than a traditional on-site construction project. A modular elevator can be up and running before a conventional hoistway is built. This provides an earlier return on investment and lower professional fees.
The two most common vertical transportation solutions used in parking facilities are hydraulic and traction machine roomless (MRL) elevators. Both are available full-sized for commercial use and both are equal in performance and quality.
Hydraulic has the advantage of being easier to install and maintain. This makes them a less expensive choice in the long run. As a result hydro elevators are the recommendation we most often make. They are in use in parking structures between two-to-five stories and are available with holeless-twin or in-ground jacks. Holeless hydraulic elevators use above-ground cylinders and are used in sustainable or cost-sensitive projects with two to three floors. With the holeless elevators you can eliminate the unknowns related to drilling for in-ground jacks.
The in-ground hydraulic system can easily accommodate five stories or even higher. It provides a smooth ride and lower maintenance costs overall.
The traction MRL is an option, that offers little more than the hydraulic units. It is marginally faster (literally seconds) and can achieve higher total travel. However, the additional speed comes with a cost of higher maintenance fees.
It is important for the contractor to work closely with the modular elevator manufacturer. They should be involved when planning and installing a modular elevator for a successful installation. Logistics and timing play an important role in maximizing the financial opportunities that modular elevators afford. The MEM team offers support, coordination and communication in the process.
The first step in the installation process is pouring the concrete elevator pit. The anchor bolt template from MEM is useful for precise positioning. Second, once the elevator is set in place, it is attached to the anchor bolts and verified to be plumb. You now have a fully installed elevator.
Next, the fully-assembled modular equipment room is set into place. This installation process is usually completed by lunch time. No kidding.
After the elevator is set, electrical, fire and phone services are provided and final adjustments are completed. Upon inspection and approval by the appropriate jurisdictions, the elevator is ready for use in a matter of days.
As you can see modular elevators offer many benefits over conventional elevators. For all low and mid-rise applications in new and retrofit construction we are the preferred solution.
Lastly, we can customize the ready-to-use MEM Elevator System. In that way we can meet the needs of any project. And the end results are indistinguishable from conventional construction. They are also available with vandal resistant features because we all know a parking garage elevator needs to be tough. One thing for sure there are distinct advantages of the modular elevator for the parking industry.
We hope we have laid out a good argument for the advantages of the modular elevator for parking structures. So if you have any interest contact us at any time. We will help you think though potential uses. If you have a project in mind, click the Fast Track button below. You will be provided a thumbnail number and receive additional information. If you would like to see how we create the elevator, you can register for a Live Virtual Tour. Or come visit our factory in person. We would love to show off a bit.
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