Tom Shield

Distinct Advantages of Modular Elevators for Parking Structures

There are distinct advantages to the use of modular elevators for parking structures. This is especially true when adding the MEM Elevator System to you next project. Conversely, adding a conventional elevator to a new or existing parking facility can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Beyond that the process can take months. The MEM Elevator System is an architectural solution, which effectively deals with these issues, saving you time and money. Those are distinct advantages of the modular elevator and set us apart from other alternatives.

The MEM Elevator System Advantage

The MEM Elevator System, is a prefabricated the hoistway which is manufactured off-site in a remote location. This allows the modular elevator to be manufactured in the plant simultaneously to the construction of the parking structure.

Unlike conventional elevators, modular elevators don’t need to be an inherent part of the parking structure they are servicing. Instead, they are easily attached to the existing structure. This often is on the exterior of the building without having to share the same foundation.

For an existing parking structure that is adding floors and needs a vertical transportation system, a modular elevator is the ideal solution. It extends the life of the parking facility when adding a modular elevator. You will lose no square footage – all while ensuring accessibility for everyone.

Also, placing the modular elevator on-site before the parking facility is fully built is possible. It can even can be used as the construction elevator – as long as power is available.

See, regulators typically require a temporary construction lift for projects over three stories. The alternative is an elevator to be installed at a job site. A permanent modular elevator can be used to meet these requirements. It then eliminates the need to rent and expense a temporary lift. That in itself demonstrates distinct advantages of the modular elevator.

Additionally, modular construction offers shorter build times; typically 50 to 60 percent less than a traditional on-site construction project. A modular elevator can be up and running before a conventional hoistway is built. This provides an earlier return on investment and lower professional fees.

Hydro Modular Elevators

The two most common vertical transportation solutions used in parking facilities are hydraulic and traction machine roomless (MRL) elevators. Both are available full-sized for commercial use and both are equal in performance and quality.

Hydraulic has the advantage of being easier to install and maintain. This makes them a less expensive choice in the long run. As a result hydro elevators are the recommendation we most often make. They are in use in parking structures between two-to-five stories and are available with holeless-twin or in-ground jacks. Holeless hydraulic elevators use above-ground cylinders and are used in sustainable or cost-sensitive projects with two to three floors. With the holeless elevators you can eliminate the unknowns related to drilling for in-ground jacks.

The in-ground hydraulic system can easily accommodate five stories or even higher. It provides a smooth ride and lower maintenance costs overall.

The traction MRL is an option, that offers little more than the hydraulic units. It is marginally faster (literally seconds) and can achieve higher total travel. However, the additional speed comes with a cost of higher maintenance fees.

Installing a Modular Elevator

Distinct advantages of the modular elevator include several factors.

It is important for the contractor to work closely with the modular elevator manufacturer. They should be involved when planning and installing a modular elevator for a successful installation. Logistics and timing play an important role in maximizing the financial opportunities that modular elevators afford. The MEM team offers support, coordination and communication in the process.

The first step in the installation process is pouring the concrete elevator pit. The anchor bolt template from MEM is useful for precise positioning. Second, once the elevator is set in place, it is attached to the anchor bolts and verified to be plumb. You now have a fully installed elevator.

Next, the fully-assembled modular equipment room is set into place. This installation process is usually completed by lunch time. No kidding.

After the elevator is set, electrical, fire and phone services are provided and final adjustments are completed. Upon inspection and approval by the appropriate jurisdictions, the elevator is ready for use in a matter of days.

As you can see modular elevators offer many benefits over conventional elevators. For all low and mid-rise applications in new and retrofit construction we are the preferred solution.

Distinct Advantages of the Modular Elevator

Lastly, we can customize the ready-to-use MEM Elevator System. In that way we can meet the needs of any project. And the end results are indistinguishable from conventional construction. They are also available with vandal resistant features because we all know a parking garage elevator needs to be tough. One thing for sure there are distinct advantages of the modular elevator for the parking industry.

We hope we have laid out a good argument for the advantages of the modular elevator for parking structures. So if you have any interest contact us at any time. We will help you think though potential uses. If you have a project in mind, click the Fast Track button below. You will be provided a thumbnail number and receive additional information. If you would like to see how we create the elevator, you can register for a Live Virtual Tour. Or come visit our factory in person. We would love to show off a bit.

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