Elevator Blog - Fun, quirky, interesting and informative.
Modular Building Perception – The modular building industry continues to grow at a rapid pace and that trend will continue unless…
First, let me say that I am huge proponent of the modular industry and modular building. I have presented the concept at conferences and in too many architect offices to count. I have even served in an advisory capacity in the industry’s leading advocate and educational group. And I have led panel discussions in the construction industry about modular. It is not just a slogan that modular building is greener, faster and smarter it is! As a result I am excited to be a part of that revolutionary construction movement. Also, I have written tons of articles on the benefits and need for more modular in the future. However there is a perception problem that could derail the industry despite our best efforts.
For me I saw this “modular building perception” problem rear its ugly head in a casual conversation. It was at an impromptu reunion of old friends. We grew up in the wonder years of cul-de-sacs and bicycles. Forty or so kids had summers to roam free in the backyards, nearby woods and empty lots of the Westwood Hills subdivision. As we discussed old-times we started naming the families and the various homes they lived in.
The Sullivans lived in the spit-level, white house with black shutters. The Jones’ house next door was the all brick ranch with the old Corvette in the drive under a tarp. We named the family and described the house all the way around the block and then we came to the Elmer’s Glue house. Everyone at the table knew exactly which house we were talking about. It was a modular home that arrived on the back of trucks in two pieces. With children watching it got slid into place on the foundation. We, being just kids, made the leap that obviously the two halves had to be stuck together somehow and Elmer’s Glue was the solution. The popular sticky white school supply and sometimes snack stuck as the idea and so did the name.
Keep in mind that this is in the 1970’s. In our small town a modular building was an experiment more than a solution and unheard of at the time. When finished being “glued” together the house appeared very modest, plain and simple in comparison to the others in the neighborhood. Also, despite being put together in an afternoon it sat empty for months gathering dust and rumors.
The unfortunate result was a perception in the developing minds of the neighborhood youth. We started believing our collective imagination that the modular units are held together with nothing more than the rendered bones of farm animals beyond their useful state and there was a lack quality.
John Locke addressed this as he pondered what made humanity tick or think. He adopted the “tabla rasa” (blank slate) philosophy of Aristotle. He said, “Let us then suppose the mind to be, as we say, white paper, void of all characters, without any ideas; How comes it to be furnished?” He would argue that is it furnished with experience and perception. That experience and perception becomes our reality and everything going forward is compared to that ever-filling slate throughout life.
I am sure that Locke is rolling over in his grave at my simplistic understanding and application, but you get the general picture. Our reality becomes what we experience not facts. So when that seemingly low-quality house was being placed in our neighborhood, a group of young people filled the paper of their minds with a negative perception of modular. This does not mean that modular or that modular home was low quality – far from it. It just means the perception is there and can persist.
The actual facts about modular construction have taken hammer and tongs at the perception for years. The result are serious inroads as modular becomes more popular, capturing a larger segment of the construction industry. It has been proven to be greener, faster, safer and more cost effective.
But, with the reality and facts comes dangers especially when a self, proclaimed modular manufacturer puts on the market an unsafe or low quality product. It confirms the unfair perception and gives the entire modular movement a black-eye hurting the modular building perception. The now filled blank slate will be reaffirmed and the chore of telling others about the benefits of the modular revolution will become more difficult not less.
We have seen this with modular elevators. Modular Elevator Manufacturing (MEM) is working hard to promote the modular concept and part of that hard work and promotion is to make sure that the elevators we provide are in fact high-quality. Also, it is just as important that what we say about the product matches up with reality. However, when rumors abound that with another company has low quality it makes our job tougher. This is especially true when that low quality leads to squabbles. The way we fight back at MEM is engineering in quality. Every elevator that leaves our factory gets a ten-point inspection check list. This verifies our quality before the hoistway with the pre-installed elevator is readied for shipping.
Quality is extremely important not just for MEM but for the modular market as a whole. If pioneers of the industry such as MEM continue to provide quality the future is bright. However, if also rans with low standards and low quality becomes what is sold even to just a handful of customers, it will indeed be a difficult slog forward.
We love the modular industry and know most of our readers do too. So to preserve the reputation of the industry consider MEM first and others that promote quality. Reject companies that have such a poor reputation. We produce quality and our track record proves it and we are proud of it! So, join the discussion and our elevator revolution. With quality we and others in the modular industry provide you will be glad you were a part of changing the construction and elevator industry for the better.
If quality and the modular build perception is important to you click the button below . You will see we are the solution you’ve been waiting for. We will provide a Fast Track number in a day. You will find that MEM elevators are always quality elevators taking you to a higher level.
When we say quality at Modular Elevator Manufacturing, it is not just empty words or a marketing ploy. We really mean it and we wished that everyone would take it as seriously as we do. Like you, we have heard the horror story from a project with a different company where, while the elevator was hovering over the building, an elevator jack literally fell out and plummeted into the pit. It could have killed someone.
The story is shocking and absolutely true. People were in danger. Beyond that when a company puts out a product so poorly built it not only potential can harm people on the job-site it can also harm the modular elevator industry and the modular industry as a whole. We all suffer the black-eye, when quality is not just suspect, but dangerous. But MEM is different and here’s how.
To start with MEM has just been at it longer. We didn’t just pop up out of no where with no construction or elevator experience. Our track record is clear with over 40 years experience in the building industry and a 20 year manufacturing track record of success and safety. We have never – never had anything like the scare of a 300 pound jack falling from the sky. Our installs go in smoothly because we have so much more experience in the elevator industry as a result we are not guessing, but we know how things should go.
MEM elevators are also engineered with safety in mind. Usually when you say safety and elevators you are talking about for the riding public and our elevators are very safe; we never put the general public at risk. But we have engineered our products so they are also safe to install as well. One of the many plusses of the modular industry is that it means safety on the job-site. The heavy lifting and working in cramped quarters is eliminated when the process is moved to the factory. There are plenty of cranes, lifts and working space on the factory floor. Plus there is no working at heights while the shaft is being built like in traditional construction. If poor engineering or lack of care causes components to fall out of a hoistway the benefit of modular goes away. That is why we care about safety and the manufacturing process.
With MEM we understand how important work site safety is and engineer that into each and every elevator we produce. It may take more effort, higher-grade materials and more care when building them, but MEM elevators are built for safety before, during, and after the set and start up.
Lastly, we check every product we manufacture with our one-of-a-kind 10 Point Inspection by a certified elevator technician. Before the elevator is loaded on the truck, we make sure of the following:
Each of the above is a part of a process that produces consistent quality. But, keep in mind that having a is great but, the most important aspect at MEM is that a certified elevator technician is doing the checking and not just any old employee. We have multiple employees that are qualified and capable of checking everything out. We simply cannot vouch for what others are doing, but rest assured we do our best to make sure the elevator you get is the highest quality.
Lastly, we want to assure everyone that despite poor quality from some, modular is the safest and best way to build. Whether you are considering the method for an entire building or wanting to retrofit an existing structure with a safe, fast installing modular elevator, reputable companies in the modular building industry are ready to build faster, greener and most importantly safer.
If you are curious about modular elevators and have a project in mind that you would like a quote for, click the button below. If you want to know more details about the accident that has caused such a stir, contact me at your convenience. I am always more than happy to explain why modular is the best solution and MEM is always quality elevators taking you to a higher level.
Early In Means Elevator When you Need It – Can you get an elevator when you need it? Including MEM early in a project means you can. Of course the alternative is the traditional way when the elevator company tells you, you can have it? But if you are tired of letting one industry dictate your construction schedule there is an alternative. The “alternative” has a long track record of success as the solution. It is also being embraced nationally by major construction companies, architects, design build firms, building owners and elevator installers.
The solution is the modular elevator and MEM is the leader of an elevator revolution with the MEM Elevator Solution. Make no mistake, modular elevators are the future. There is no doubting that. It is and will be a reality that very soon a modular elevator will always be the first option in any low or mid-rise application. They go in faster with fewer headaches and difficulties overall. The price is competitive to better and the components are largely the very same you will find in any other elevator. There is only one way that this growing trend will be up-ended and that is if modular elevator companies themselves don’t live up to the promises they make and the quality they market.
That seems to be what is happening at least to some extent currently. For instance, there is an often repeated 8 week delivery of an elevator. If a company makes that claim, be aware that there are dozens of caveats and requirements that cloud the numbers. We reject that marketing ploy and want to be included early on projects so we can deliver when you need the unit not at some inconsequential and artificial timeline.
So with the above all true, how can they make an unrealistic promise? It is, “Sell the elevator and pray for rain.” approach. They know in all likelihood that the early stages of the project will not go off without a hitch and the financing, ground breaking, permitting, site prep, foundation and elevator pit pour will be delayed. This gives them time to get the elevator done before shipping. At least that is their hope and why their fingers are crossed.
Ultimately, the promise of the eight weeks was never realistic to begin with and never is intended to be adhered to by the elevator company. Heaven help you if you are efficient run a tight timeline and the weather cooperates. Odds are if you believed the canard of eight weeks…the elevator will now leave you frustrated and sour on modular elevators. We see people hesitant to use modular for just that reason. Once a promise, even one as outlandish as an eight week elevator is broken, trust is hard to earn back.
How is the MEM Elevator System different? We want to be early on the project so we can always deliver the elevator when you need it. There is no promise of a fictional and arbitrary timeline. We are honest from the beginning and listen to your needs. Then together we determine when it is best for the elevator to be delivered. We discuss if the elevator should be delivered first in the project, in the middle or the end. In the above photos, you can see it was determined that the elevator should go in after framing. Others go in first or last. We also discuss any special requests or specific difficulties to overcome. For instance our elevators are often used as a construction elevator to cut costs or for schools holding back the delivery date for a holiday or summer break.
The expected delivery date is then generated and the process begins. We know delivery dates fluctuate in every job, but having a general timeline for delivery is the best possible practice for the entire construction team. To keep things on track you have a personal contact that will touch base as needed to update the schedule. Everyone is always kept in the loop.
In our process while you are dealing with a million other questions about the project, permitting, figuring out subs and the rest of your project schedule we are ordering all the components, doing the paperwork, and creating the elevator schedule. With all that done and ready, the elevator is placed in our production line when it will be completed as you need it. It then arrives as promised.
This is truly revolutionary. No longer are you being told when the elevator will be finished. You have control back.
So to ask the question again, can you get an elevator when you need it. Yes you can, but MEM being early in is crucial.
If you are interested in the concept of a modular elevator and would like to find out more about the MEM Elevator System and our elevator revolution, you can have a Live in person or even Live Virtual Tour. Just click the button below. We would be glad to pull back the curtain and show you around. This will allow for you to see with your own eyes our concept come to life and answer any questions you may have.
If you have a specific project in mind just click the Fast Track Quote button below. It will get the process going and we will contact you with costs. Overall we strive to be transparent and willing to discuss your needs so we can provide a great solution. We look forward to working with you when you join the elevator revolution.
Shorten Elevator Lead Time – One the best kept secrets in the elevator industry is the timeline from a contract being signed until the elevator is delivered and then passes inspection. I am no conspiracy theorist, but it seems that no one wants to talk about the subject in the least. See for yourself. Go ahead, I encourage you to search for a source on any platform that tells how long the timeline is for a commercial elevator installation. I’ll wait…
So what are we to do if you want a general timeline for getting an elevator installed in new construction or even a retrofit application? It is kind of important to find out how long generally an elevator takes to install and get running, right? Now, I can tell you how long it takes for the MEM Elevator System, but as a rule in the elevator installing world that is a top secret. As a result, for that information we are stuck with general polling and anecdotal stories. The need for you to know that information is the lack of knowledge does not allow you to compare the facts of the install and puts you at a disadvantage when deciding on the elevator type and company.
Now up front there is not a poll completely on point. However, there are a couple that can give some guidance. There is no denying the timeline when actually applied to projects is a huge problem in light of these polls. One of the polls of construction industry professionals found that 100% of respondents said the elevator “always created major delays” to “usually creates some delays”. In this day, when people rarely agree on anything 100% is astounding. But get this, 0% or none said that the elevator never creates delays. So why do so many respondents think there are delays? Because the timeline for completion is not accurate from the outset or one has not been established or taken seriously by the elevator company.
This result was replicated in another question in the same poll that asked, “What are the biggest difficulties regarding the elevator?” A full 82% indicated that delays in start up were the biggest problem. Am I crazy or does the elevator industry have an issue? Maybe both?
The results could be waved away if it weren’t for so many stories we are hearing from elevator installers, project managers, and building owners. Often they contact us or request a Fast Track Number stating the reason they called was because the lead times from the major companies were so long. They felt they were given every excuse in the book but no solution to delays. They mentioned production delays to manpower shortages as to why the expected delivery date and installation was over a year out. And the timeline for some has even been stated to be in excess of two years.
In an industry that is so slow to respond (as seen in this short video) what are customers supposed to do? Where can the buyers of commercial elevators find the answers they need? Where can they get a reasonable timeline? First, a quick examination of why the delays.
Having a hoistway built first and then sit empty until there is permanent power is lunacy. But this is the general way elevators are installed. Months tick by while nothing is done in a fully finished hoistway. Then once permanent power is provided the elevator installation company arrives. They take over and get in the way of every other trade filling a predetermined area with parts, pieces, tools, and components.
The reason for the need of power is that the elevator has to be operational to install the rails and clips as they use the elevator as a work platform. If the area is not climate controlled and the weather gets too cold or hot, they simply stop work. Try getting an elevator installed in the northern US or Canada without delays if you don’t believe me. An old saying is that in some climates the elevator installer watches the thermometer closer than the timeclock.
Meanwhile as every elevator component has to be carried into the enclosed hoistway and screwed, bolted or cobbled together work is slow, laborious and often unsafe. There is lots of heavy lifting and risk of dropping objects inside the shaft.
Only after all of the work is completed regarding elevator doors and entrances can other trades such as rock and tape crews, painters, flooring installers and exterior finish workers can return to finish the job. In most cases it means more delays usually unaccounted for.
Simply put it is a mess; a slow, plodding, inefficient mess. Beyond that, the completion time of the whole project hangs in the balance because the elevator is smackdab in the middle of the critical path. The elevator shouts, “None shall pass.” at the top of its lungs and the project grinds to a halt. All stops when one hoistway heaves with cold weather, one part is on back order, with one injury in a dark dangerous hoistway, one misplaced tool, one blown console, one little problem and the whole project grinds to an unforgiving halt.
A better or revolutionary process changes the entire game. We provide an elevator when you need it not tied to the old fashioned practices. In the chart below you can see how we are different.
The traditional elevator process is linear and mired in design and engineering of the hoistway, to gathering up all the parts and components. Our system is not. The MEM Elevator System is delivered hoistway and all, fully installed. It is placed in a couple hours and can be started up in as little as a week. We start with the day you need it and then count backwards in days to place it our production schedule to be be delivered on time every time.
It is so fast in delivery and set in just a couple hours, that it is often used in lieu of a construction elevator on some projects saving even more time and costs. When modular units are built in factories, the time is simply shortened. But what is not incorporated in this chart are the ancillary savings and benefits.
More and more builders and building owners are joining the revolution. They are exploring what modular has to offer and how the modular timeline can be a huge benefit.
Our MEM Elevator System is beneficial for the whole project and the results are stunning especially when taken of advantage of in full. Can you imagine how your project would change if you could determine when your fully installed elevator arrives? Then started up in less than a week? Or realizing it goes in so fast it often doubles as the construction elevator on the job? That is a game changer, especially in current times where every penny counts.
So now is the time to act if you have any questions about modular elevator or the MEM Elevator System. If you are the least bit curious about Modular Elevator Manufacturing just click the button below. You can get a LIVE VIRTUAL TOUR of our factory. We will pull back the curtain and let you look at our process and how we are leading the modular and elevator revolution.
Do you have a project in mind? To get thumbnail numbers to consider, just click the Fast Track Quote button below. We will be in touch in less than 24 hours. At that time we will give you an idea of how your project will be improved and your investment. You will also find out what it takes to make a change for the better.
Stick Built Success With Modular Elevators – With all the awards we have won for our Modular Elevator System, it is easy to think that we are only used in modular construction. While we appreciate the accolades from the Modular Building Institute it is important to remember our roots are in conventional construction methods. One project that exemplifies that best is Collegewood Elementary School.
In a new two-story classroom building our friends at DC Architects used the traditional “stick built” method of construction to efficiently supply the school with 14-high quality classrooms. The timing was important to process because the project encompassed more than just the building. The company was also responsible for alterations to the existing central quad and play area located on the west side of the Collegewood Elementary campus. Campus upgrades also include a new landscaped plaza courtyard featuring the school’s cougar mascot paw grass imprint, new play-ground, exterior covered canopy, and removal of 14 outdated portable classrooms.
Instead of waiting for a hoistway to be built and then having the elevator installed over months of time, the building was constructed with a hole in the canopy through which the MEM Elevator System was placed. This time saving methodology worked perfectly and allowed completion as promised.
Our Elevator System is flexible enough for any design challenge. So, if you need stick built design success consider a modular elevator from the leaders. The MEM Elevator System is leading the elevator revolution. For more info on solutions for you, click the button below for a FAST TRACK QUOTE. If you want to explore more just sign up for a LIVE VIRTUAL TOUR of our facility. We are open and willing answer questions and have discussions on viability for your project.
We Are More Than Modular – With the big win at the World of Modular conference where we won two trophies, it is easy to think our MEM Elevator System is only for modular construction projects. Yes, the first place Award of Distinction was for a park concession area that was built totally with shipping containers. And the runner up Award of Distinction was for a traditional modular build. But don’t let that fool you into thinking that Modular Elevator Manufacturing creates its award winning elevator solutions for just the modular industry.
Far from it. All sectors of the construction industry can benefit from the easiest, fastest and most cost-effective commercial quality elevator solution. It is for everyone. Our projects can include retrofit elevator installation to new construction.
One of our recent retrofit projects was placed on the exterior of a production facility. It went up so quick that the construction elevator was taken down with the benefit of the savings going to the owners. The elevator could have just as easily been placed in the interior of the build by cutting a hole in the roof and lowered into place.
Another application that is not modular is for parking garages. The MEM Elevator System can be placed along side the structure for a fast and easy way to meet code and provide vertical transportation.
Traditional construction methods are employed in a wide range of vertical markets and we can help meet those needs as well. Hospitality, commercial spaces, schools, and medical facilities all have used our solution with great success. You can see some of them below and here in our gallery.
The reason for its popularity and that it has largely found market acceptance is the MEM Elevator System has significant benefits over traditional elevator installation:
So the bottom line is that we are grateful for the recognition. It is confirmed, we are the leaders of the modular elevator revolution and our recent awards prove as much. However, what means more to us is that we can provide a much needed solution to vertical transportation woes.
If you want to join us in this better way, regardless of your project, contact us. We can provide a solution for all low and mid-rise applications. To find out more click the button below and schedule a live virtual tour of our facility. If you have a project in mind, start the process by requesting a Fast Track Quote.
MEM Honored With Awards of Distinction – The Modular Building Institute is the premier organization when it comes to modular construction. They are the voice for the industry so when they speak, it is important. At their annual World of Modular Conference and awards banquet they spoke loudly when the MEM Elevator System took home two accolades. For the first time in the 40 year history of the organization, a modular elevator company walked away with trophies in two different categories.
The nominees that won where on two vastly different modular projects and demonstrates the flexibility of our modular elevator.
The first project is actually two unique types of facilities in one at the UCLA Olive View Medical Center. The Restorative Care Village and the Recuperative Care Center for short-term residential care. The architects made sure that the entire modular project including the elevators were welcoming, yet secure and safe. This was a 6 elevator and 6 machine room build for Modular Elevator Manufacturing. Five of the units were placed on the exterior walls of the project. The sixth was designed to fit in the middle of the building and be surrounded by modules.
With six elevators going into a building project in a short time there are always challenges. The modular elevators in this case did not interrupt the compressed building schedule by improving manufacturing processes and timing in house. This allowed for the elevator units to be ready for the set as needed by the delivery schedule and the construction crew onsite. This meant that there was no additional congestion during the build or slowdown in setting units. In most builds with multiple elevators the installation process slows and interrupts other trades onsite.
It is always difficult to quantify savings, however Clay Hubble – Project Superintendent for Abbott Construction put a fine point on the savings. He indicated that, “The MEM elevator allowed us to move up the whole process. Everyone can be pushed forward in sequence. Normally the elevator slows everything down. You have framers, rock and tape crews, floor prep, flooring, painters, electricians, sprinklers. They usually come out and work to the elevator openings on each floor. Then they have to stop.
With the fully installed modular elevator, all those crews complete their work in sequence. They make one trip out and no call back because the elevator’s openings came finished with door frames already installed. The results, we estimate that saved us $30,000 to $40,000 per opening.”
He went on the say, “You have a similar savings on the exterior. Framers, coping metal, parapet work was all done in sequence with no call backs. With 12 openings the savings were tremendous.”
MEM was awarded the runner-up trophy for the Award of Distinction.
The second Award of Distinction and First Place winner was Pop Up Park a part of Five Point – Irvine Great Park. It demonstrated architectural excellence in the way the modular elevator was seamlessly integrated into an outdoors space in a pre-purposed storage container project with beauty and elegance.
It incorporates a glass hoistway to give an open feel and less obstructed view of the surrounding 1500-acre park, soccer fields and dining area. A second-floor open walkway to the elevator is utilized making it separate from the overall structure. This important architectural detail gives a more open feel and free traffic flow. As a result of the architectural design the modular elevator was created and engineered to be a fully self-supporting structure in a high earthquake zone. In the Modern/Industrial style, the structure and awning were finished in the factory to be matte black, matching the surrounding railings and overall structure and theme. This project makes the outside a comfortable inside space.
The entire project is designed to be innovative and sustainable with use of used cargo containers creating an oasis in the vast park. The modular elevator is no exception. It is made of recyclable materials including a steel hoistway. All components are sized to reduce waste and increase efficiency.
Also, organic hydraulic fluid is used in the conveyance system. It is safe for the environment even in the unlikely event an above ground jack leaks or fails. Another innovation is a detachable, recyclable awning system that can be easily replaced as needed. This extends the life span as an outside elevator, due to weather exposure, rarely last longer than the interior parts. Lastly, the MEM elevator reduced weeks of technicians coming and going from the jobsite while the hoistway and elevator components are being built or installed. This modular elevator installed in four hours and was ready for inspection in four days.
We all love to win and it was a lot of fun to be called up in front of industry peers. But the recognition means more than just the trophies. It means we are doing things right and our team can get confirmation of their abilities and work product to continue to lead the elevator revolution that we started 20 years ago. It also was a time to reflect on our relationship with the modular industry. Although our system can be placed in modular projects, it is flexible enough to be incorporated in any building. But our roots are in modular! We will continue to build our ties to that industry especially through the Modular Building Institute and the annual World of Modular convention. See you all in Orlando next year.
MEM Awards of Excellence – This year we have two projects placed in competition. They are very different, but truly showcase how our Modular Elevator System can be used.
The first project is actually two unique types of facilities in one at the UCLA Olive View Medical Center. The Restorative Care Village features several buildings and services that provide enhanced mental health services & support. The second a Recuperative Care Center for short-term residential care. As a result, the architects made sure that the entire project including the elevators were welcoming, yet secure and safe. This was a 6 elevator/12 modular unit build for Modular Elevator Manufacturing with 6 fully functioning modular elevators delivered and an equal amount of machine rooms. Five of the units were placed on the exterior walls of the modular project. The sixth was designed to fit in the middle of the building and be surrounded by modules. As this was a modular building project in totality the architecture was uniquely adjusted to allow placement of the elevator units.
With six elevators going into a building project in a short time there are always challenges. The modular elevators in this case did not interrupt the compressed building schedule by improving manufacturing processes and timing in house. This allowed for the elevator units to be ready for the set as needed by the delivery schedule and the construction crew onsite. This meant that there was no additional congestion during the build or slowdown in setting units. In most builds with multiple elevators the installation process slows and interrupts other trades onsite.
It is always difficult to quantify savings, however Clay Hubble – Project Superintendent for Abbott Construction put a fine point on the savings. He indicated that, “The MEM elevator allowed us to move up the whole process. Everyone can be pushed forward in sequence. Normally the elevator slows everything down. You have framers, rock and tape crews, floor prep, flooring, painters, electricians, sprinklers. They usually come out and work to the elevator openings on each floor. Then they have to stop.
With the fully installed modular elevator, all those crews complete their work in sequence. They make one trip out and no call back because the elevator’s openings came finished with door frames already installed. The results, we estimate that saved us $30,000 to $40,000 per opening.”
He went on the say, “You have a similar savings on the exterior. Framers, coping metal, parapet work was all done in sequence with no call backs. With 12 openings the savings were tremendous.”
The second MEM Awards of Excellence entry is Pop Up Park a part of Five Point – Irvine Great Park. Architectural excellence is exhibited in the way the modular elevator was seamlessly integrated into an outdoors space in a pre-purposed storage container project with beauty and elegance.
It incorporates a glass hoistway to give an open feel and less obstructed view of the surrounding 1500-acre park, soccer fields and dining area. A second-floor open walkway to the elevator is utilized making it separate from the overall structure. This important architectural detail gives a more open feel and free traffic flow. As a result of the architectural design the modular elevator was created and engineered to be a fully self-supporting structure in a high earthquake zone. In the Modern/Industrial style, the structure and awning were finished in the factory to be matte black, matching the surrounding railings and overall structure and theme. This project makes the outside a comfortable inside space.
The entire project is designed to be innovative and sustainable with use of used cargo containers creating an oasis in the vast park. The modular elevator is no exception. It is made of recyclable materials including a steel hoistway. All components are sized to reduce waste and increase efficiency.
Also, organic hydraulic fluid is used in the conveyance system. It is safe for the environment even in the unlikely event an above ground jack leaks or fails. Another innovation is a detachable, recyclable awning system that can be easily replaced as needed. This extends the life span as an outside elevator, due to weather exposure, rarely last longer than the interior parts. Lastly, the MEM elevator reduced weeks of technicians coming and going from the jobsite while the hoistway and elevator components are being built or installed. This modular elevator installed in four hours and was ready for inspection in four days.
Lastly, we hope to see you at World of Modular, but just in case you can’t make it, click the button below for a FAST TRACK QUOTE. If you want to explore more just sign up for a LIVE VIRTUAL TOUR of our facility. We are open and willing answer questions and have discussions on viability for your project.
Non-proprietary parts matter. However, often times non-proprietary parts are over looked, not considered or just not understood. So, let’s start from the beginning. What’s the definition of non-proprietary elevator parts and how can they solve problems regarding your elevator choice.
Generally, proprietary elevator parts are components produced, marketed and controlled under exclusive legal rights of the manufacturer. The manufacturer has no obligation to share any information about the part or component, how it functions, how it operates, how it can be repaired or used to adjust or improve the overall functioning of an elevator unless it is contractually obligated to do so.
Non-proprietary on the other hand, means there are no restrictions to the use or what company can repair or improve the functionality of the elevator.
Well that was a mouthful. The definition can be reduced to a more simple, proprietary elevator parts are ones that only the manufacturer can repair or use in a repair or maintenance of an elevator. Non-proprietary opens the door to any qualified and licensed elevator professional.
An even more concise characterization is, proprietary bad; non-proprietary good.
But why? Why are proprietary parts to be avoided when looking at elevator purchases.
There are limited arguments against choosing an elevator that has non-proprietary parts over proprietary. When non-proprietary options were first available, there was a short time that they were considered inferior due to their recent emergence.
That thinking is no longer a concern. There is a decades long track record now that shows reliability and durability for non-proprietary components. Keep in mind that all elevator components and elevator operations are subject to elevator codes, inspections, and parts must pass rigorous testing before they would ever be allowed in an elevator.
Also, much of the functionality that proprietary elevators could boast of is now available with non-proprietary units.
Too many times we receive calls from individuals that are dissatisfied with their current maintenance supplier. They are sometimes unresponsive, operate at their own pace with little concern for the end user or the building owner and often lack availability of parts or tools with many on back order. With proprietary parts you lose the ability to find solutions to the problems you are facing.
This was illustrated in a recent article regarding elevator repair delays. A lack of parts was the cause for denying people mobility and access. You can help shorten that time of repair if you chose for your next project an elevator without proprietary parts. If you want to know more about us, just click one of the buttons below. We would love to talk to you about your next elevator project.
You should care – Elevator parts are not all equal…but they are. Years ago there used to be a commercial that had the catch phrase “Parts is parts”. They were talking about chicken nuggets and not vertical transportation and their facetious point was parts are not all equal. There are better and worse pieces of the chicken to use in the production of a nugget.
In the home or commercial elevator industry that knife cuts both ways and a bit hard to explain. First, it is true there are differences company to company in components. But second, those differences are superficial at best and for a purpose. So the parts are not all equal but… still equal??? How does that work?
That doesn’t seem to make sense so let me explain this weird dichotomy by stating the following. Factually, most companies purchase the bulk of their components from the same group of independent companies. As a result an elevator, home or commercial, is filled with dozens of components and pieces that come from those various companies from around the world. The difference is largely relegated to different nameplates and logos being etched or painted on the components themselves and that is about it.
This gives the illusion that they are all coming from the elevator company you are buying from. Generally that is not true. As a result when you step into an elevator car most often very little of what you see or that makes it go up and down, comes from the name on the control panel. And in all likelihood the bulk of those parts are found in every other elevator you ride regardless of the company.
Also, the vertical transportation industry, for good reason, is highly regulated. Elevators in the United States make 18 billion passenger trips per year according to the National Elevator Industry Inc. For that reason alone it is very important that all parts must meet high standards. You just can’t put anything you want in the elevator as a component. They must be test and approved for quality and durability.
Alright, if only a handful of companies produce most of elevator components and all parts meet the same rigorous standards, how can they possibly be different? Well before I get to that I want you to know that I am not wearing a tinfoil hat. I believe that we did go to the moon, Elvis is dead and aliens had no part in building the pyramids. So what I am about to say is not a crazy conspiracy.
Here, goes. The big commercial elevator companies make the bulk of their profits in maintenance and not selling you an elevator. Shocked? They realized pretty early on that if any certified elevator contractor could provide maintenance, they could lose customers and money. People would simply shop around and find the lowest price for service.
The solution was two-fold. First, sell elevators that require the most expensive maintenance agreements regardless of the purpose. Second, place in those elevators components from manufacturers that will require special tools, passwords or programs to maintain the elevator.
If you combine those two principles with a confiscatory maintenance agreement you have a lock on maintenance income for that unit for decades. And there is really no way for the building owner to extricate themselves from the long-term costs.
So, despite elevator components largely being the same, parts are not all equal. This is by design and for a specific purpose that has nothing to do with the elevator ride or functionality.
Unfortunately, when asked, “What can I do?” the responses are limited. This is especially if you already have an elevator in place. It is not practical nor cost effective to replace the proprietary parts that force you into the long-term contract. It’s like the old adage, you pay for some mistakes forever. But learning from those mistakes is important as well as spread the word that you can make upfront decisions next time that will save you from the headaches and costs associated with choosing the wrong company.
The word to commit to memory is non-proprietary. Non-proprietary parts and components are simply those that any elevator technician can work on. They are not better or worse they are just accessible for maintenance from any company. You can even use the big elevator companies if you wish. It just opens the door to anyone to repair or maintain the elevator. So always, always, always have an elevator installed with non-proprietary parts.
Finally if you have any questions regarding what proprietary parts and components can mean to your elevator project please contact us. At TL Shield and MEM we pride ourselves on giving honest answers to your questions about elevators, home or commercial.
All you have to do is click one of the buttons below to get started.
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