Elevator Blog - Fun, quirky, interesting and informative.
When you are the leader in an industry it is an obligation to educate, inform and instruct. When it comes to benefits and solutions of the products you create you must tell others. For that reason, Modular Elevator Manufacturing has launched a brand new website, modularelevator.net.
The purpose of the website is to clearly demonstrate modular elevators as the best alternative for low and mid-rise project. It is a new, easy to navigate way to increase awareness and information sharing about the modular industry and elevators.
We also want the website to offer clarity and truth in an industry that has a faltering reputation. False claims and shoddy workmanship from some in the industry have created issues that need addressing. It was time to push back on outlandish claims harming the modular elevator business and the concept of modular itself.
We wanted it to be easy so we made pages for professionals, broken down by job title. We also have pages for each industry so product models can easily be accessed. Lastly, we now provide an easy, short Fast Track numbers form. It makes contacting us as simple as a few clicks.
So to put the new website navigation and content in a nutshell, here is what to expect:
Of course this website will not be static. It will grow and information will increase as we see new needs in the industry, so check back often.
The articles area or blog will also host tons of ideas. New concepts will be spotlighted creatively. Articles will be a serious to quirky look at the largest moving object in a building. Ultimately, the website will be linked more and more to case studies and examples of how we solved problems. Easy to use and find information will be through out to help you make a wise decision regarding elevators.
One person that has reviewed the site was impressed with the information we offered and the openness of the page. They thought that maybe the competition would just copy and paste our work into their site. To us that is not important. However we do wish they would mimic our quality so the industry can grow as modular elevators are the future. We are hoping the brand new website will make it clear that MEM elevators are quality elevators taking you to a higher level.
We hope you click all the links above and explore. But, if you want to cut through all that just click the button below. In a day we can get you solid budget numbers.
Modular Elevator Manufacturing (MEM) is now distributing their high-quality modular elevators nationwide and as a result have doubled their factory floor space.
As the demand for a high-quality modular elevators has increased MEM is ready to meet that demand with a nationwide roll out of their products. Whether for schools, commercial space, hospitality, medical facilities, multi-family units or parking structures MEM can now meet the demand from the east coast to the west coast.
The key to the increased growth of MEM and new distribution effort is their desire to provide high-quality modular elevators as an alternative to traditionally build elevators. MEM President – Tom Shield is proud of the accomplishment and business milestone, “After 40 years in the construction business and over 20 years in the elevator manufacturing industry, it was time to allow our product to be sold and installed nationwide. We have a great team that knows elevators inside out and the consistent quality we provide has made this growth possible.”
He went on to say, “It is my philosophy that good business is quality business. We do everything that we can to mitigate drama, and low quality and high drama go hand in hand. As an example of safety our EMR rating is .75, which is excellent.”
Because of the continued, steady growth MEM has acquired additional manufacturing space. The factory floor now has twice the capacity of the already successful business. The expansion allows for improvements in the manufacturing process and allows the placement of more jobs inline for completion. It is a huge expansion that MEM is ready for according to Shield, “If you are looking for a better elevator alternative and would like to consider a high-quality modular unit for mid and low-rise projects; we are ready. Our team will answer any questions and provide a Fast Track budget number in hours or over the phone if you call in. We are excited about the new factory floor space and the growth to nationwide distribution.”
The modular concept for elevators is revolutionary and MEM is one of the pioneers that saw the need for safety, quality and fast set and start up. To summarize the difference between modular and stick-built you should know that they are simply conventional elevators, just unconventionally delivered and installed. Modular elevators are the hoistway, built with tough 4X4 inch HHS (Hollow Structural Steel), wrapped in mold resistant drywall to your specification with all the elevator components already inside. That means when they arrive at the site the wiring, cab, rails and other components are already inside the structure. It is then placed with a crane at the job-site in the elevator pit in less than a day and then can be started up in less than a week. This means that it takes the elevator off the critical path saving time, headaches and hassles.
Modular elevators are also extremely flexible in use and can be included in retrofit projects, modular projects or new traditional construction. Generally any time you would use a conventional elevator, a modular can be used in its place.
Lastly, when it comes to design, MEM elevators inside the cab and on the exterior of the hoistway can carry any look or feel. Architects are impressed with their flexibility. If you would like a budget number and be a part of MEM growth on a project you currently are considering, click the button below to get the process started.
When we say quality at Modular Elevator Manufacturing, it is not just empty words or a marketing ploy. We really mean it and we wished that everyone would take it as seriously as we do. Like you, we have heard the horror story from a project with a different company where, while the elevator was hovering over the building, an elevator jack literally fell out and plummeted into the pit. It could have killed someone.
The story is shocking and absolutely true. People were in danger. Beyond that when a company puts out a product so poorly built it not only potential can harm people on the job-site it can also harm the modular elevator industry and the modular industry as a whole. We all suffer the black-eye, when quality is not just suspect, but dangerous. But MEM is different and here’s how.
To start with MEM has just been at it longer. We didn’t just pop up out of no where with no construction or elevator experience. We have over 40 years in the building industry and a 20 year manufacturing track record of success and safety. We have never – never had anything like the scare of a 300 pound jack falling from the sky. Our installs go in smoothly because we have so much more experience.
MEM elevators are also engineered with safety in mind. Usually when you say safety and elevators you are talking about for the riding public and our elevators are very safe, never putting the general public at risk. But we have engineered our products so they are also safe to install as well. Part of the many pluses of the modular industry is that it means safety on the job-site. The heavy lifting and working in cramped quarters is moved to the factory with plenty of cranes and space on the factory floor. Plus there is no working at heights while the shaft is being built like in traditional construction. If huge elevator components are falling out of a hoistway that plus of job-site safety goes away.
With MEM we understand how important work site safety is and engineer that into each and every elevator we produce. It may take more effort, higher-grade materials and more care when building them, but MEM elevators are built for safety before, during and after the set and start up.
Lastly, we check every product we manufacture with our one-of-a-kind 10 Point Inspection by a certified elevator technician. Before the elevator is loaded on the truck, we make sure of the following:
Each of the above is a part of a process that produces consistent quality. If you are not careful you could pick the wrong modular company (the one where the jack fell out). Keep in mind that it is important that it is a certified elevator technician doing the checking and not just any old employee. We have multiple employees that are qualified and capable of checking everything out. We simply cannot vouch for what others are doing, but rest assured we do our best to make sure the elevator you get is the highest quality.
Lastly, we want to assure everyone that despite the most recent debacle, modular is the safest and best way to build. Whether you are considering the method for an entire building or wanting to retrofit an existing structure with a safe, fast installing modular elevator, reputable companies in the modular building industry are ready to build faster, greener and most importantly safer.
If you are curious about modular elevators and have a project in mind that you would like a quote for, click the button below. If you want to know more details about the accident that has caused such a stir, contact me at your convenience. I am always more than happy to explain why modular is the best solution and MEM is always quality elevators taking you to a higher level.
Project Photos – The video below shows just a few photos of some of the hundreds of projects MEM has completed. You will notice the wide variety of applications. MEM has tremendous design flexibility making it the best solution for low and mid-rise projects.
That is why we are quality elevators taking you to a higher level.
To find out more or to get a Fast Track Quote, click the button below.
When we say fastest installing elevator, that is exactly what we mean. Even 6-stop elevators can be set in a day. Often they are manufactured in stack-able sections that can be placed when the project calls for it.
When you use the fastest installing elevator for your project you are no longer hostage to the elevator and elevator industry. The elevator is a complete package consisting of the hoistway and all of the components already manufactured inside. It is placed when convenient to you and your team. This can lead to a reduced build timeline and cost savings.
Check out how you can get this elevator for your next project. Click Here!
Unique and functional – That is what the architect for this job wanted. They found the best alternative to provide the solution was MEM. We are where you find high-quality modular elevators. They set up in a day and install in a week or less. With all the components already inside.
MEM elevators come with a hoistway and all of the components of the elevator already installed. That it is the fastest set and start up in the elevator industry. There is no traditional installation as the installation of the components has taken place in our factory.
The elevator is completely wired, the car is already inside and the rails are already in place.
The difference with our product is quality. Other can say it, but we deliver it.
Best Mid Rise Elevator Option. Sometimes when people hear about modular and modular elevators, they think that a high quality product is not possible. Nothing could be further from the truth.
With Modular Elevator Manufacturing you always get quality regardless of the type of structure and the amount of use. MEM elevators can be placed inside or outside any type of structure. Even high traffic areas are easy for MEM. The quality is built in from the 4×4 inch tube steel to non-proprietary, industry approved and tested components. These are high-quality commercial passenger elevators.
Just as important you don’t lose control of the jobsite. The elevator in installed in a factory and then set in place on the site when you want it delivered. Once it is set, it is then set up when power is available.
This is a new and better way to install an elevator. Faster, safer, greener and more cost effective.
MEM elevators install quickly. That will allow you to control the elevator part of your building project. It also take the elevator off the critical path. For all the above reasons, MEM is the best mid rise and low rise elevator on the market today.
Elevator Babies – It was hard to resist putting a photo of my 6 month-old granddaughter in this article, but I didn’t because that would be way too much bragging and she is too young to be internet famous…at least among our 20,000 readers. But while holding her in my arms I got to thinking about how wonderful being a newborn is. No responsibilities; cry you get food; cry you get changed. Babies get to enjoy a short period in their life when knowing nothing is part of the job description and it is adorable. Sleep, eat, and be held is pretty much the day in a nutshell.
When it comes to the elevator business however, being a neophyte is far from wonderful or adorable. Elevators, need I remind people, are serious. They are costly, have thousands of parts and if they are improperly built they can be dangerous to the riding public. They are the largest and most complex moving component of a building. Knowing nothing about elevators or being elevator babies, but then selling them anyway is not cute or adorable; it is a hazard that can cost time, money and potentially cause injuries. But, that is exactly what you can get if you choose to call the wrong elevator company for a bid or project.
Modular elevators are just the same as stick-built in that regard, especially when you are talking about time and money. We all know that modular building is a wave that has already crashed the old-fashioned way of doing business’ party. It is the best option for any mid-rise building needing vertical transportation and will continue to be in the future. They are simply faster and better. But, if you are not careful, there might be an amateur on the other end of the phone line, selling you up and guessing at rules and regulations. After all when you call a modular elevator company you expect they are the experts in not only modular buildings, but elevators as well, but that is simply not the case if you call the wrong one.
One of the modular companies in particular out there that sells a cheap variety of modular elevator purports to be elevator experts. They are far from it and when you know the facts it can be a bit scary trusting a sales team that has no real experience. When I say no, I mean no. Three out of four of the sales team has a combined total of elevator or modular experience of less than a year. Yes, I said combined. My granddaughter has more experience being a baby than they do individually when it comes to elevators or modular units.
But it doesn’t stop there. The Quality Control Manager and Production Manager had no experience in modular building or elevators before coming to that company. Think about that for a second. The person that is supposed to be checking on quality has never checked for quality in the elevator business. In other words, watch out! Beware! Someone selling you an expensive piece of equipment and checks for quality and production that has a direct impact on your construction timeline has little knowledge beyond pushing the up or down button.
The person you are speaking to on the phone is not who you think it is when it comes to real world experience. They maybe elevator babies!
The good news is that there is an alternative to going to the nursery for elevator and modular advice and information. This is important to know as modular elevators are the future of construction.
MEM (Modular Elevator Manufacturing) is that knowledgeable alternative that has been producing elevators longer than any current modular elevator company and measures their experience in decades, not months. They have been there, done that time and time again when it comes to construction, modular building and elevators.
If you have gotten a quote from another company…give them a call before it is too late or if you have any questions about the benefits of modular elevators or how modular can make your life easier, I would recommend that you contact Hugo Beltran hbeltran@tlshield.com at MEM. You can also get started on your project by clicking Fast Track Quote. They are a company with experience that can give an honest, fair assessment of your needs.
Babies, especially my granddaughter, should be in the arms of someone that loves them, not on the phone dolling out sage advice about elevators like they are all wise through experience that does not exist.
My Monday morning observation when deep cleaning points to modular and modular elevators. When going through my desk in what should be an annual ritual, but too often neglected, I ran across an interesting item. Buried amongst the broke watches, a plethora of wires that go to who knows what devises and batteries (none of which still held a charge), I found a true vestige of the past; the old business card folder.
I remember wanting one when I first graduated from college as it was considered a true and genuine indicator that you were in business, much like the now rare, rigid leather briefcase. The folder was unique as it was a single place to put all of your valuable leads and contacts. It was one step above the old Rolodex as it was leather bound and portable.
I paged through the clear plastic sleeves of cards chuckling over the graphic design style of the various rectangles of 100% rag, 16 point stock that populated the folder. Each was a prized bundle of information I had collected over time and was once held dear, like a Stan Musial baseball card, but now I noticed how few were even still relevant. Businesses had closed or changed names, people had long since moved on or the information was out of date with AOL email addresses and FAX numbers prominently displayed.
But the cards, yellowed with time, were not the funniest part of what I discovered from my perspective. It is the very notion of keeping a catalog of cards categorized based on business type and then alphabetized all in a literal folder. The time for that kind of system has declined to the point of uselessness, worth little more than short lived amusement. That is why, despite a couple decades of usefulness, it found itself shoved to the rear of an over-packed desk drawer.
A better system for keeping track of people and business connections has emerged and in honesty leaves the old folder in the dust and ultimately in the circular file.
I have seen that change too in the elevator industry. There was a time not so long ago that the big elevator companies held a universal monopoly and if you were going to construct a low or mid-rise building you had to pay homage, live within their timelines and buy what they were selling. Thank goodness the old stick-built alternative is due for the dustbin of history just like my old business card folder.
Now if you want a high-quality commercial elevator you simply have to call MEM or email them for FastTrack numbers. Once you place your order you can break away from the control of the elevator industry for good. They no longer can dictate what you can do on your job site, building project or pocketbook. You will be free to schedule elevator work when you want it done, not the other way around. Free to choose who you want the elevator maintenance company to be with a fair contract, not one laced with automatic increases and non-proprietary parts. Deep cleaning indeed.
The barnacle encrusted elevator industry is and will fight back, but the march of time is lined up against them and ultimately modular will be the first and best choice for everyone. Not because it is new (it has been around for a couple decades now), but because it is a better solution. Faster, smarter, greener and can be less expensive.
That can all be said because building a hoistway in a factory, out of the elements and off site means higher quality, truer construction and no delays. Then putting all of the elevator components in the the hoistway while it is horizontal means no safety concerns of lifting heavy parts. The wiring goes faster and the cab is built to more exacting specifications. Just better.
So engage in a little deep cleaning and clean out your desk of all those old drawings, plans and specifications and get ready for the future with modular elevators.
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