Russ Ward

Modular Elevator is in Our Name

Well our full name is Modular Elevator Manufacturing (MEM). We have been in the modular and elevator business for around thirty years and as a result the modular industry is very important to us. We see modular as more than just another way to build. It is a continuing and growing methodology that has forced needed change into the construction industry and elevator industry. It has challenged the status quo with better, smarter, safer and faster ways of producing everything from homes to commercial buildings. This approach has resulted in a revolution that we are proud to be part of where there is more accountability and better processes.

For instance with the MEM Elevator System a fully-installed, commercial elevator is placed in hours and started up in a week. It is incredible and something traditional construction cannot accomplish. Our high-quality system goes in so fast that it is often used as the construction hoist to save even more money on projects.

MBI Leading the Charge

With that said, leading the charge in the revolution towards better building is the Modular Building Institute (MBI). No doubt as they say, they are “the voice of commercial modular construction”! Their mission is to expand the use of offsite and modular construction through innovative construction practices, outreach and education. They do a fantastic job at fulfilling that mission.

So, if you are a modular producer in the construction industry you should be a part of that organization. We are at Modular Elevator Manufacturing. But more than that if you have any questions about modular, MBI and MEM regarding elevators are experts.

World of Modular – A Revolutionary Showcase

To show off a little bit each year MBI has an annual convention called appropriately the World of Modular. This year it is in San Antonio, Texas – April 25-28, 2022. So, if you are not a modular company but are the least bit curious about the modular industry, I would highly recommend attendance. You will find the leaders of the modular business there discussing alternatives to conventional construction and how modular building continues to grow and change the way projects are completed. It is a place to network, exchange ideas, learn from experts and discuss issues.

Join the Revolution

At MEM we see joining MBI or attending World of Modular as the first step in joining a revolution of better building and higher quality practices that is changing the world of construction. We look forward to seeing you at the show. Make sure and stop by booth #4 and discuss the elevator and modular revolution with our national territory manager Ken Grider. He will be able to answer any questions and give you a thumbnail price on the spot.

If you just can’t wait for the show, you can contact us below for a Fast Track Quote. This modular elevator quick quote will give you all the pricing information you need to get started. You can also sign up for a LIVE VIRTUAL TOUR. During the tour of our production facility you will see how we produce the highest quality modular elevator in the industry. You can also ask any questions you would like about MEM and our process.

So for some see you in San Antonio or for others, see online live!

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