Russ Ward

Celebrating Women In Construction

Modular Elevator Manufacturing (MEM) would like to take the opportunity to recognize and thank all the women in the construction industry during this special week. Women are at every level of the industry due to their hard work, knowledge and abilities. We celebrate Women in Construction Week!

We would also like to shine some light on one of our own and acknowledge her efforts at MEM – Michelle Barra, MEM Corporate Coordinator. Michelle has been with the company only four years but in that time has made a big difference. She quickly showed the initiative, drive and ability to be a leader in a field largely dominated by men. During her time she has gained responsibilities, faced challenges with success and is considered by all of her co-workers as the lynchpin to MEM’s ever-growing success.

She is happy with the difference she has made, the progress she has seen in a male dominated field and also that MEM looks at what a person can do and not who they are.

“Being a valued team member in a profession that traditionally has been largely men shows real progress and opens the doors of opportunity. I am glad that MEM looks at my abilities and what I bring to the table.”

A Record of Success

Prior to her employment at MEM Barra was in the US Airforce in another traditional man’s world. She kept F16 fighter jets in action as a sheet metal technician. She earned high praise for her skills and abilities, and gained valuable insights into the leadership skills necessary in the construction industry.

She brought that record of success and positive attitude to MEM, where she has been a big part of building it into the largest provider of modular elevators in North America. But, she takes it is in stride, “Here we all pull together and focus on the job as a team. My position coordinates all the moving parts from production to the final inspection process. I know I am respected as a team member and leader and my contributions are valuable.”

MEM is thrilled that Michelle has made a difference and we congratulate her during this special time of recognition.

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