Russ Ward

Modular Elevator Manufacturing Vision

Modular Elevator Manufacturing Vision. At the beginning of the year it is always a good idea to take stock and recalibrate. To do this at our annual meeting we looked at successes, failures, losses and wins. The conclusion, 2021 was a tough year in many respects. COVID hit home and supply chain difficulties continued. We had increased demands, production growth and a shifting of our perspective on sales. Celebration of accomplishments, hitting goals and we looked forward to a bright future. But, our national territory manager Ken Grider stole the show when he reviewed the 2021 Modular Elevator Manufacturing vision, mission and core values.

Below is an excerpt of an email he sent me when we first started hammering out a new vision for MEM. He drew from this email extensively in his presentation as we revisited our vision, mission and goals and rediscovered the “why” of MEM.

Vision Takes Deep Thought

I was thinking about the state of things last week and I have some “Vision Insight”.

I just lost a mentor/leader of mine two weeks ago and he would always say “get to the why”. That got me thinking. So, why does MEM exist?

It is tempting to believe that we exist- “to preach the modular message” or “increase market awareness” or “convince customers that MEM is better than the competition” or “to make a profit” or “grow year over year and build a lasting company legacy”. Those are all good things however, NONE OF THAT IS WHY WE EXIST…

I don’t think people buy WHAT we do… they buy WHY WE DO IT. I don’t believe people are buying the MEM system because we are selling modular elevators… I think (whether intentional or not) WE ARE SELLING A BELIEF SYSTEM, A VISION, A REVOLUTION. 

If that’s the case, our customers will be people who believe our ideology. People who want to push back on the elevator establishment and believe that they are a visionary (on the RIGHT side of history) because they align themselves with MEM.

The “Why” Is More Important

The “why” of MEM is bigger than an elevator.

We need to present the case that we didn’t start a manufacturing business because traditional elevators are awful and the process takes too long. It just so happens that our desire to challenge the status quo and revolutionize the elevator process has the beneficial side effect of sticking it to the old ways of the elevator business.

We must sell our WHY!

With that thought in mind, what do you think of this?

MEM’s Vision:
We believe in challenging the status quo…in revolutionizing the “elevator process”. We don’t just think outside the box…we think BEYOND the box. (That is accomplished by moving the elevator process, design, engineering and installation, to the beginning stages of a project.)

To fulfill the vision we will employ the mission of…

MEM’s Mission:
To revolutionize and simplify our customer’s experiences with the elevator process. To build the best engineered, highest quality modular elevator on the market while maintaining our values of innovation, consistency, quality and simplicity.

Core Values: Innovation, Consistency, Quality & Simplicity

Ken Grider, National Territory Manager – March 2021

Vision Applied

Ken was right in his analysis, the thought process and his take on the Modular Elevator Manufacturing vision. The result is we adopted the vision, mission and core values immediately. Yes, 2021 was a tough year, even considering our growth. But, tough times creates tough people. They also create opportunities for continued expansion as we apply the vision by explaining the “why” of the MEM system.

If you are even slightly intrigued and want to learn a bit more about the elevator revolution, contact us. You can even contact Ken directly at ken@modularelevator.net. He is more than well-versed in the benefits of the MEM system. You can also click on the links below for a Fast Track Quote or a Live Virtual Tour. If you are curious and have a current project that needs vertical transportation just click. You can also schedule a factory visit or Live Virtual Tour of our facility. That way you can see how we are leading the next big revolution in the elevator industry.

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