Russ Ward

Glass Elevator Easy for Experts

Glass Elevator Easy for Experts. Its not that hard…if you know what you are doing. That bit of wisdom has been lost on many, but I am reminded of it every time I see a true expert at work. You can find them all over the place if you keep your eyes pealed. They come in nearly every line of work. For instance, I watched a tree trimmer reduce a maple tree 50″ at chest height to a stump in a matter of minutes. Unbelievable. I have seen crane operators with less than an inch to spare drop elevators into place as gently as a feather touching the ground. Astounding. They are experts. I, just a mere slack-jawed observer agog.

The key is to find the experts. And in the world of elevators that can be difficult. The reason for the difficulty is not some grand conspiracy. It is that an elevator is complex and that complexity is broken down into several job types with traditional elevator construction. So, you have the pit being poured by experts in concrete. Others build the hoistway. Finally, the elevator is being carried into the hoistway one piece at a time and then cobbled together (sounds crazy I know).

Modular is Different

Modular elevators on the other hand consolidate the various aspects of the elevator build into one easy process for you. And at MEM with our system you have a personal project manager to assist in every step. For instance, we don’t pour concrete, but we provide an easy to use template and make sure of the dimensions. We build the hoistway and install all of the components in our factory. You get updates on progress.

It is extremely rare for crossover like this in the elevator industry. And, that crossover can only come with experience. With that even a glass elevator is easy with experts from MEM.

The Project – Fivepoint Pop-Up Village Glass Elevator

As an example the MEM system was use to finish a stunning, cutting edge design of seven repurposed cargo containers adjacent to a championship soccer stadium at the Great Park in Irvine, California. The architectural drawings included at glass elevator. Modular Elevator Manufacturing was called in to handle the details, put the elevator in place ready to receive the glass in less than four hours and have it started up and running completely finished inside and out. We proved that a glass elevator is easy for experts.

Ask How We Do It

So, if you are wanting a beautiful glass elevator to enhance any project, but not sure where to start, start with MEM. The MEM system allows for ultimate creativity that will actually keep the elevator off the critical path saving you precious time. Remember, we are the only high-quality commercial elevator that sets in four hours or less ready to receive the glass and starts up in a week. Our knowledge about glass elevators is beyond compare as we have placed more modular glass elevators than anyone else in the nation. We are elevator experts.

So, make your next glass elevator easy! First, to get the process started just click the Fast Track button below. By doing so we can get you thumbnail numbers in about a day. Second, if you are a little interested, but still not sure about our product, you can schedule a Live Virtual Tour of or facility. We will pull back the curtain and show you how we can accomplish what some people call amazing.

During the tour we will answer any and all of your questions.

Above all, you will be able to see first hand how we produce the MEM system. Just click the Live Virtual Tour button below.

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