
Sometimes seeing is more valuable than reading a webpage, blog post or hearing a description. Below you will find several videos of modular elevators from MEM. You can see for yourself how easy it is to have a fully installed elevator set in place in a couple hours. That’s right a commercial quality elevator in place ready for start up.

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The Elevator Revolution means that there is an old way that hasn’t changed for well over 100 years and we, with your help are changing that. Watch the videos below and join the Revolution.


Video Descriptions

Left Column:

Video 1 – Our award winning elevator! We received accolades from the Modular Building Institute at the World of Modular conference. Here is a link to the story.

Video 2 – The ISLA Project is a container build that seamlessly incorporated a modular elevator into the new housing complex. The elevator was set in two sections as you can see. In less than a few short hours the fully installed elevator was ready for start up. If speed and savings are important, the MEM System is perfect.

Video 3 – Our latest project Hope on Avalon is a five story housing unit that required an in ground hydraulic jack. It is not a problem at all for us, the jack simple goes in first and then the full installed elevator is put in the pit over the jack. Easy as can be. A fully installed elevator in less than 4 hours.

Video 4 – It really is that easy to have an elevator installed. In four hours this elevator was put in place and ready for start up. A quality commercial elevator delivered on time with no hassle and no headaches.

Video 5 – Modular construction is a perfect application of MEM elevators. Seen in this wonderful modular project from our friends at Pacific West Builders. You will notice the modular elevator go in at :24 on the right. At :59 a modular elevator goes in on the left. It was used as the construction elevator as well.

Video 6 – Just a compilation of stills of various jobs.

Video 7 – We cut our teeth on school and California DSA projects. This example shows 2 Elevators in 1 school.

Middle Column:

Video 1 – Disney, the world class entertainment company, has found a new solution to the elevator slowing construction. It is the MEM Elevator System.

Video 2 – A glass elevator with style. Pop Up Park is a great example of how a simple, fast, cost conscience elevator can make all the difference.

Video 3 – This elevator helped bring new life to a retrofit hotel project. Glass elevators are easy to install and start up.

Video 4– This project was six elevators for a medical facility. The video shows how easy the MEM Elevator System is to set. More about this project.

Video 5 – It really is that easy to place a fully installed elevator in a building project. We are ready to quote you FastTrack numbers for any project. Join the revolution.

Right Column:

Video 1 – Two school elevators installed! Both took the elevator off the critical path of the construction project. The time savings was crucial!

Video 2 – Supportive housing needs solutions fast. The MEM Elevator System cuts months off of any build time as it is a fully installed elevator being placed in just a couple of hours and ready to be started up. Read more!

Video 3 – Impressive parking structure. This is the first ride up and it was used as a construction elevator for the project saving thousands of dollars! Set and ready to go on time and on budget. More about this project.

Video 4 – Our the MEM Modular Elevator System is stackable. In this video that was share with us, you can clearly see the advantage. In less than four hours a fully installed elevator was put in place.

Video 5 – Retrofit that works. Too often elevators can cause headaches when it comes to retrofit projects. MEM has saved any number of building through placing a modular unit inside or outside of the building. More about this project.