
Please complete the form below to let us know a brief update on your project. See the further explanation for the need beneath the form. This will help us provide great service in response during the Covid-19 Virus. 

    IMPORTANT! Check the box that applies:
    Get Engineering & Design StartedContact Me To DiscussLet's Hold Off For Now

    The form is just to update your project info. During the virus, communication is crucial so we are taking the following steps and would like you to consider some actions as well.

    To make sure there is no interruption in production we are being proactive by:

    • Establishing secondary and tertiary component suppliers. We have yet to see any supply interruptions, but we are prepared. 
    • Monitoring inventory and supplies to make sure that top quality components are in stock and ready for your project. 
    • Keeping our lines of communication open with not only our production team, supply chain and partners; but with you as well. We will provide you any information you need.

    Here are the things you should consider to ensure prompt delivery and the great customer service experience that we are known for:

    • Tell us (as accurately as possible) when you want your elevator. Of course, there is great flexibility this early in projects, but even a general month and year would be a tremendous help in planning. 
    • Get an early start. Under normal circumstances, any post-design and engineering gets addressed after executing a contract for your elevator. Normal is a moving target right now. So, we have made it possible to move design and engineering to the “pre-contract” stage. The $7500 design and Engineering agreement can begin any time and the full value will get credited back to you when your elevator is purchased.
    • Keep an open line of communication. We can deal with nearly any problem that pops up…we just have to know about it. We have a great staff of problem solvers by nature. 
    • Get your ducks in a row. We will provide a list of the items that we need to send your elevator into production. If we have those details, we can be better prepared to react and overcome challenges.

    We are committed to being fast, fluid and flexible during this pandemic.  With your co-operation, there is no doubt that your project will be a great success. Again, thank you so much for allowing us to serve you! If you have any questions at all, contact us at your convenience.