MEM Quality You Deserve – At Modular Elevator Manufacturing our core values include innovation, consistency, quality & simplicity. We understand the need for quality and do our utmost to produce it day in and day out. As a result, the MEM system is the gold standard when it comes to modular elevators as we revolutionize the entire elevator industry. Above all, we have the most experience in the industry and provide quality beyond compare. Additionally, we always seek to innovate. We are true elevator pioneers and professionals, in the modular industry and the only company that can truly assist you with your project.
Others guess. We know.

Recognized for Quality
We are also recognized for our quality through the many accreditations, licenses and organizations we support. That is due to our highly skilled team, from welders to elevator technicians. They are professional and have the highest standards. Also when it comes to the components used, we manufacture with the best. Each provider we use must be of the highest reputation in the industry. In the factory our process creates quality through using jigs and templates to exacting size and measurements.
Our high-quality solution can be a part of any low or midrise building. The MEM Elevator System design is flexible and is in use in parking garages, schools (pre-schools to colleges and universities). We are in the hospitality industry and commercial buildings. Multi-family units and the health care application are no problem.
Also, they are in use in existing buildings or new structures. This is because they are engineered to be flexible in placement and most often are self-supporting structures.
With MEM quality you have everything you need. We are number one in the modular elevator industry for a reason. To find out how we can help, start with the Analysis button to the right. If you are ready to get a budget number request a Fast Track quote. Additionally, you can get a live virtual tour and see how we produce the best elevator for projects between two and seven stories.
In conclusion, MEM – quality you deserve. Reach a higher level with your vertical transportation.